Reflux During Pregnancy: Causes and Chiropractic Solutions

Reflux, also known as heartburn, is a common digestive disorder that affects many pregnant women. It occurs when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation or discomfort in the chest area. In this blog post, we will explore the different causes of reflux during pregnancy, discuss the role of hiatal hernia, and highlight the potential benefits of chiropractic care in managing this condition.

Causes of Reflux During Pregnancy:
1. Hormonal Changes: During pregnancy, the body experiences an increase in the hormones progesterone and relaxin. These hormones work to relaxes the muscles to help create more space for the growing baby. However, it also relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which normally acts as a barrier to prevent stomach acid from flowing back into the esophagus. The relaxation of the LES can lead to reflux symptoms.

2. Pressure on the Stomach: As the pregnancy progresses, the growing uterus puts pressure on the stomach, pushing the stomach contents upward and causing reflux.

3. Diet and Lifestyle Factors: Certain foods, such as spicy or fatty foods, citrus fruits, and caffeine, can trigger reflux symptoms. Additionally, eating large meals, lying down immediately after eating, or consuming carbonated beverages can exacerbate reflux during pregnancy.

Hiatal Hernia and its Connection to Reflux:
A hiatal hernia is a condition where a portion of the stomach protrudes into the chest cavity through the diaphragm, which separates the abdomen from the chest. This causes a pinching of the stomach, and leads to reflux symptoms. Hiatal hernias can be congenital or develop over time due to factors like obesity, aging, or pregnancy. During pregnancy, the growing uterus can put pressure on the stomach and contribute to the development or worsening of a hiatal hernia, increasing the likelihood of reflux symptoms.

What we can do:
Chiropractic care offers a non-invasive approach to managing reflux during pregnancy. Research suggests that chiropractic adjustments can help improve the function of the diaphragm and reduce the pressure on the stomach, thus alleviating reflux symptoms.

A study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found that pregnant women who received chiropractic care experienced a significant reduction in reflux symptoms compared to those who did not receive treatment. The adjustments performed by chiropractors focused on realigning the spine and improving nervous system function, leading to improved overall body function, including the digestive system.

At Eastridge Chiropractic, our chiropractors are also trained to perform a hiatal hernia pull procedure, which helps reduce the pinching of the top of the stomach by the diaphragm. We also perform soft tissue work to help the diaphragm function better and reduce reflux symptoms. Research shows improvement in reflux symptoms with diaphragmatic breating, and we instruct on these techniques. One of our favorite is called “box breathing”:

  1. Laying on your back with your knees bent, place one hand on your upper chest and shoulder, and one hand on your stomach

  2. First let’s check in on our breathing technique. Take a deep breath in - where do you feel the breath going? We DON’T want to feel your upper chest and shoulder going up and down toward your shoulder as you breathe. We DO want to feel your belly going up and down, and feel our breath going 360 degrees into our rib cage.

  3. NOW, we box breathe! Keep your hands in the same position and take a long, deep diaphragmatic breath while counting to 5. Now hold this breath in for 5 seconds.

  4. Take a deep, full breath out while counting to 5. Hold this for 5 seconds before repeating the cycle with another 5 second inhale and hold.

  5. Perform 10-20 of these breaths before bed to help relax, or whenever you notice reflux symptoms are worse.

Another top recommendation we give to our patients is digestive enzymes or papaya enzymes (check out our Fullscript Dispensary here for our favorite professional grade brands at a 10% discount). These are substances which help with the breakdown of food and the absorption of nutrients. Taking digestive or papaya enzymes before meals can assist in improving digestion and reducing the occurence of reflux symptoms.

Chiropractors may also provide guidance on lifestyle modifications, such as dietary changes and proper posture, to further support the management of reflux symptoms during pregnancy.

Reflux during pregnancy can be attributed to hormonal changes, increased pressure on the stomach, the presence of a hiatal hernia and diet. While reflux can be uncomfortable, chiropractic care offers a natural and holistic approach to managing the symptoms. Through spinal adjustments, soft tissue work and lifestyle recommendations, chiropractors can help pregnant women find relief from reflux and improve their overall well-being. Read more about chiropractic care during pregnancy here.

Ear infections in Children: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Ear infections are a common condition we see at Eastridge Chiropractic Co., particularly among children. Characterized by fluid build up, inflammation and infection of the middle ear, these conditions can cause a lot of discomfort and pain for little ones. Recurring infections often means many rounds of antibiotics, which are disruptive to your child’s developing gut, and the possibility of ear tube surgery. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why children are more prone to ear infections, discuss the symptoms to look out for, and outline treatment options.

Why Are Children More Prone to Ear Infections?

1. Eustachian Tube Anatomy:

Children’s eustachian tubes are a different shape and structure than adults’. These tubes, responsible for equalizing pressure in the middle ear, are narrower, shorter and flatter than adults’. They are also more horizontal in children. This anatomy hampers proper drainage and ventilation, increasing the risk of fluid accumulation and infection.

2. Immature Immune System:

Children have developing immune systems that are less efficient at fighting off infections. This reduced immunity makes them more vulnerable to bacteria and viruses that can cause ear infections.

3. Frequent Respiratory Infections:

Children often experience upper respiratory tract infections, such as colds or flu, which can lead to ear infections. The close proximity of the respiratory and middle ear passages allows pathogens to easily travel and cause infection.

Symptoms of Ear Infections:

1. Ear Pain:

Children may experience earache or sharp, shooting pain in the affected ear(s). Younger children might tug at their ears or cry more than usual due to the discomfort.

2. Fever:

Ear infections begin with fluid accumulation in the ear, which can become infected within a day. Once infected, the body’s response is to go into fever in order to kill the virus or bacteria.

3. Irritability and Restlessness:

Children suffering from ear infections may exhibit irritability, restlessness, and difficulty sleeping due to the pain and discomfort.

Treatment Options:

When a child comes to our office with ear infections, they have typically been through multiple rounds of antibiotics and have been told ear tube surgery may be in their near future. At this point, parents are looking for alternative treatment options. We take a multi-faceted approach and look at their diet, factors such as bottles and pacifiers, and give recommendations for managing fluid build up and strengthening the immune system.


  1. Sugar. Reduce or eliminate sugar. Sugar suppresses immune function. This includes fruit juice and anything with added sugars.

  2. Dairy. Dairy is a major allergenic food. Dairy also has naturally occurring sugars, and it causes the body to increase mucous production. Mucous build up leads to an environment conductive to ear infections.

  3. Water, fruits and veggies. Ensure colorful, pigmented fruits and vegetables at every meal and adequate hydration.


  1. Take away the Paci. This one can be the TOUGHEST! Pacifiers, however, are petri dishes for bacteria and viruses. When a child puts a pacifier in their mouth, the bacteria/viruses migrate to the back of the throat and move up the eustachian tube.

  2. Address the nose. Congestion prevents drainage of fluid in the ears. Colorado is dry, and humidifiers (we love this one because it is also an air purifier) help keep the room at 40% humidity to allow better mucous drainage. Saline nose spray throughout the day helps improve the flow of mucous, and suctioning the nose with a nose frida can help keep nasal passages open.

  3. Bottle feeding changes. Use a ventilated bottle (such as the Philips Avent Anti-Colic Air Free bottle). This prevents negative pressure being created in the inner ears, which lead to more inner ear secretions, and an environment prone to ear infections. Bottle feed in a semi upright position. Take away the bottle at 12-15 months.


  1. Moist heat. Wet a wash cloth with warm water, and place on the side of the neck of the affected ear. You can place the towel along the jaw, in front of the ear, or behind the ear on the mastoid.

  2. Massage. Using gentle pressure, massage the jaw muscles right in front of the ear lobe in a circular motion. The jaw muscles directly affect the ear canal. Massage from the base of your child’s skull along the ropey front muscle (the SCM) in long, gentle strokes. Lymph nodes live here, which are part of the immune system, and massage can help to stimulate them and improve lymphatic circulation.

  3. Chiropractic Adjustments. Chiropractic can help a child overcome a current ear infection and prevent future ear infections. The way it works is twofold - biomechanically and via the nervous system. Biomechanically - if the joints of the neck and jaw are not moving properly, the muscles cannot contract properly. If the muscles don’t contract properly, they are unable to assist in allowing the fluid to drain from the ear canals. A chiropractic adjustment helps to restore normal range of motion to the neck, and improve function of the surrounding muscles. Neurologically - a chiropractic adjustment improves the way the brain communicates with the body. This means improved immune function and healing.


  1. Garlic and Mullein Drops. Research has shown antimicrobial, pain relieving and removal of excessive ear wax with Garlic and Mullein oil drop blends. Warm the drops with steam in a tablespoon before administering for a further pain relieving effect.

  2. Saline nose spray. Saline nose spray throughout the day helps improve the flow of mucous and reduce pressure build up. Saline drops with xylitol can be beneficial.

  3. Colloidal Silver. Colloidal silver in the ear will help to kill any bacteria congregating in the ear canal. Place drops in the ear, let sit for 15 minutes, then allow the drops to drain out

  4. Breastfeeding. Make sure you nurse often and on demand as much as possible when your child is fighting an infection. This provides comfort and provides antibodies to help fight the infection.


  1. Probiotics. 70% of the immune system is in the gut. If we do not have a good gut barrier and good bacteria, we are more prone to all types of infections. This is one reason why children born via Cesarean are more prone to ear infections. Because they do not get the first exposure to good bacteria going through the vaginal canal, it is especially important that belly birth babies take a probiotic.

  2. Omega-3 fats. Omega 3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and allow the body to create the necessary white blood cells to fight infection.

  3. Vitamin D3. 500 IUs of vitamin D per day are recommended for children. Vitamin D3 is crucial for immune system function.

Other considerations: There has been research showing xylitol can help reduce the incidence of ear infections. However research has also shown that it needs to be given 5 times per day in order to be effective (…impossible with young kids?). You can find Xylitol in gum, and it has also been shown to have dental benefits such as preventing bacteria from adhering to the teeth and increasing saliva production.

Be careful with Benadryl. Benadryl may provide temporary relief of congestion, however it thickens and dries up mucous, which may create an environment conductive to ear infections.

All supplements mentioned here can be found on our Fullscript dispensary at 10% off (look under “ear infections”), and all links to products mentioned can be found here.

Electrolytes - What are they and who needs them?

Electrolytes are minerals that have an electric charge and are essential for the proper functioning of the human body. They are found in bodily fluids such as blood, sweat, and urine, and are responsible for a variety of important functions such as regulating water balance, nerve function, and muscle contractions. In this blog post, we will explore what electrolytes are, their benefits for pregnant people and active individuals, and the signs that indicate a deficiency in electrolytes.

Electrolytes are composed of several different minerals, including sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, and phosphate. These minerals are essential for the proper functioning of the body, and a deficiency in any of these minerals can result in a variety of health problems. Sodium is important for regulating blood pressure and fluid balance in the body, and conducting nerve impulses to your brain and nervous system. Potassium is essential for proper nerve and muscle function. Magnesium is one of the most common mineral deficiencies and is important for restful sleep, DNA repair and muscle synthesis.

400-600mg of magnesium, 3.5-5g of potassium and 4-6g of sodium are recommended per day.

“Sodium is bad” is a common misconception people have. The US government currently recommends 2.3g of sodium per day, despite evidence evolving. These recommendations mainly came from observational studies which essentially showed that injecting a person with salt increases blood pressure by increasing blood volume (maybe you learned in chemistry - water always follows salt). In May of 2013, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) disagreed with these recommendations. The IOM said limiting sodium intake to below 2.3g per day has no health benefits and that low sodium intake could potentially be harmful to people. A study by JAMA published in 2011 demonstrated that an intake of 4-6g of sodium per day actually reduced heart attack, stroke and cardiac-related death. Being deficient in sodium causes the kidneys to hold on to as much sodium as possible. This happens through the release of hormones such as renin, aldosterone and norepinephrine. These hormones may cause a spike of blood pressure and a heightened stress response. A better choice to help reduce blood pressure would be to reduce added sugar intake.

For pregnant women, electrolytes are especially important, as they help support the growing fetus and ensure that the mother's body is functioning properly. According to a study published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, pregnant women who consume adequate amounts of electrolytes during pregnancy are less likely to experience preterm labor and other complications during delivery. Other studies have shown that limiting salt intake during pregnancy is associated with slowed fetal growth and reduced birth weight, along with impaired kidney and cardiovascular system function. Later in life, these babies are also shown to be at increased risk of developing high blood pressure. Unfortunately, some women are recommended to reduce sodium during pregnancy to reduce risk of pre-ecclampsia. A review published in 2005 observing 603 women, however, was unable to determine a relationship between reducing sodium intake and reduced risk of pre-ecclampsia.

In addition to their benefits for pregnant women, electrolytes are also important for active individuals. Athletes and people who engage in regular exercise lose electrolytes through sweat, and a lack of these minerals can result in muscle cramps, fatigue, and other performance issues. According to a study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, athletes who consume electrolyte drinks before and after exercise experience improved performance and reduced muscle soreness.

So, what are the signs of an electrolyte deficiency? Some of the most common symptoms include muscle cramps, headaches, fatigue, weakness, constipation, nausea, and dizziness. A severe lack of electrolytes can also cause confusion, cardiac arrhythmias, slowed heartbeat, muscle paralysis and even brain damage. It is common to be deficient in electrolytes after working out, sweating and being out in the heat.

If you suspect that you are deficient in electrolytes, there are several steps you can take to increase your intake of these minerals. One of the easiest ways to do this is to consume electrolyte-rich foods such as bananas, avocados, spinach, and nuts. Salt your food with real himalayan salt or sea salt. Regular table salt only contains sodium chloride, and is missing many of the other great trace minerals and electrolytes you can find in real salt. You can also drink electrolyte drinks or take electrolyte supplements, which are available at most health food stores. Our favorite is LMNT because it is sugar free, has the best ratio of electrolytes in the market, and only contains what is necessary in an electrolyte beverage; sodium, magnesium and potassium. We sell LMNT at Eastridge as individual packets or variety packs.

LMNT Electrolyte variety packs

In conclusion, electrolytes are essential minerals that play a vital role in the proper functioning of the human body. They are especially important for active individuals and pregnant women, and a deficiency in these minerals can result in a variety of health problems. By consuming electrolyte-rich foods, drinks, and supplements in moderation, you can ensure that your body is functioning properly and that you are able to enjoy optimal health and wellness.

Kinesiology Taping

We’ve all seen the athletes on TV wearing kinesiology tape on their backs, shoulders, shins, knees.. you name it! Does it really do anything? And how does it work?

Kinesiology taping has the following benefits…

1. Pain Relief - tape lifts the skin, bringing blood flow to an area, helping to clear out inflammation and reduce pain

2. Improved range of motion - tape can facilitate muscle activation, which can improve control and stability of a joint

3. Muscle support - tape is like a hug! It provides tactile stimulation to a tired and sore muscle, telling it "I got this, you can relax!"

4. Reduce swelling - tape promotes lymphatic drainage in injured or inflamed areas

5. Improve posture - tape provides tactile stimulation, which tells you when you are sitting or standing with poor posture! The tape also helps to activate the muscles involved in keeping good posture.

Some examples of taping applications…

  • Shoulder pain

  • Impingement syndrome

  • Posture taping

  • Muscle soreness

  • Low back pain

  • Round ligament pain

  • Wrist pain

  • Feet swelling

  • Rib pain

  • Knee pain

  • Diastasis Recti

Taping is an amazing tool. While we don’t recommend becoming dependent on it, it can certainly help to provide support and relief to injured an painful areas.

Belly Mapping

Belly Mapping is a helpful tool to tell where baby is sitting in the final months of pregnancy. It is not diagnostic, and can't tell you with certainty how your labor will go, but it gives great insight and is a fun and empowering activity!

How to:

1. Tune into baby's movement throughout the day. Where do you feel kicks? This is most likely where the feet are! Where do you feel "flutters"? This is may be where the arms are!

2. Lay down on your back, with your abdominal muscles relaxed as possible. Use the pads of your fingers, not the very tips. Press slow and steady until you feel baby’s contours.

3. Follow the contours and notice when they change direction, or you feel a bulge, such as when your fingers “walk” from the baby’s back over the hip to the little bum, like coming around a round corner.

The smooth back is across from the limbs. It's felt as a "firmness". If baby isn’t directly facing back or front, but faces a side, you’ll feel a smooth, hard side and a softer, lumpier side.

If everything feels lumpy, consider you might be feeling limbs that are close together.

4. Draw a circle and make your map! Match head to firm head, match bum to bulge, match feet to kicks and match back to the firm side.

Don't feel wiggles in the front? Turn the back forward on your map.

5. Assign a label for the position.

The first letter in a three-letter label stands for which side of the mother the back of baby’s head is along, left (L) or right (R). The second letter in a trio, or first in a two-letter label, is the baby part, which is O for occiput (the back of the baby’s head) for a head down baby. The last letter is A for Anterior (front), T for Transverse or P for Posterior (back).

If baby is not head down, other positions include Frank or Footling Breech and Transverse lie. If you believe your baby may be in one of these positions at 36 weeks gestation or later, it is important to consult with your birth team as soon as possible.

Belly Birth Scar Care And Core Activations

Let’s talk about scar tissue

Scar tissue needs to be addressed to prevent loss of mobility and to ensure normal strength and range of motion. Sources say scar tissue can continue to grow and change for 12-18 months after it’s formation. It is not a permanent fixture in the body, and can be remodeled and reduced to allow it to tolerate the stresses and forces the body encounters. Taking care of your scar is not only important for aesthetics, but also for the function of your core!

Scarring can commonly cause:

  • Pain, itchiness and sensitivity around the scar

  • Low back, pelvic and sacral pain

  • Discomfort with bending and lifting

  • Bladder urgency and frequency

  • Trigger points with referral to the urethra and clitoris

  • Pain with sex

  • “Shelfing” look or lack of tone in the lower belly

Before working directly on your scar, make sure:

  • You are 6 weeks post-surgical

  • No severe incision pain

  • No bleeding

  • No stitches or staples

  • No infection, redness, pus or fever

Prior to 6 weeks

  1. Scar Care


  • Bring nervous system connection to the belly 

  • Bring blood flow to the belly

  • Activate deep core & pelvic floor

What to do

  • Light massage with circular pressure around the scar along the abdomen/belly, changing from clockwise to counterclockwise

  • Gradually increase the amount of pressure every day. Do not cause pain.

  • Spend 2-5 minutes massaging in the morning and evening daily to establish good mind body connection, bring blood flow and encourage healing.

2. Deep core activations

Transverse Abdominal Activation Cues

  1. Imagine a wire between your front pelvic bones (ASISs) and generate a force to pull the bones together.

  2. Imagine the front of the pelvis is like an open book with each cover on a pelvic bone (ASIS). Now close the book covers.

  3. Pull lower belly away from the pelvic bone.

Multifidus Activation Cues

  1. Imagine a wire between your SI joints and generate a force to pull the SI joints together.

  2. Imagine the back of the pelvis is like an open book with each cover on a SI joint. Now close the book covers.

Perform 3 sets of 10 reps (or as many to 10 as possible), and 3 sets of 30 second holds (or as close to 30 seconds as possible)

3. Pelvic floor activations

These cues help to activate all the layers if the pelvic floor muscles, which is the goal when doing pelvic floor muscle training.

  1. Imagine you are drinking a milkshake through a straw up through your vagina. The goal is to hold this for 30 seconds. How long can you hold it?

  2. Imagine you are picking up a blueberry with your vagina. The goal is to pick up 10. How many can you pick up?

  3. Activate your anus as if holding in a toot. Now, pull the anus up, and towards your pubic bone. Can you do this 10 times?

  4. Imagine the vagina as an elevator and you are slowly pulling up to the top floor. The goal is to take 5 seconds from top to bottom, and perform 10 times.

When performing these pelvic floor exercises, put your hands on your belly, medial to your iliums.

4. Diaphragmatic breathing

Place both hands on the side of your rib cage. Take a deep breath, driving the breath into your hands. You should feel your rib cage go up with the inhale, and down with the exhale. Next, place one hand on the front of your chest, and the other on your midback. You will feel the belly “go along for the ride” meaning it will come up and down slightly. It is important not to drive the breath into the belly, and into your ribcage and diaphragm instead. Finally, place one hand on your upper shoulder, and the other hand on the side of your neck, right above your collarbone. Take a deep breath. Do you feel this area contract or your shoulders go up and down? We don’t want this! These muscles are considered the secondary muscles of breathing, and we want the primary muscle, your diaphragm to be doing the majority of the work.

Take 2-5 minutes and practice diaphragmatic breathing

Now, do it ACTIVE:

Inhale through the nose into your ribcage (front, back, and into sides). As you do this, your diaphragm will come down, your lungs will fill, and your belly will expand slightly. Exhale though your mouth and allow the air to exit while engaging your pelvic floor and transverse abdominis.

Scar Care Post 6 Weeks

Why Massage?

Massaging helps to mobilize the scar, and to allow the fibres within the scar tissue to align properly allowing proper mobility and reducing pain. Massaging prevents the scar tissue from pulling on the surrounding tissues such as the skin, muscle and organs affecting functions of the bladder, sex, pelvis, etc.

How to massage

  1. Continue with the circular massage around the scar with light pressure. This light pressure allows us to address the more superficial layer, the skin. Bring this massage over the scar as well, changing from clockwise to counterclockwise. Make sure to mobilize and pull the tissue in every direction.

  2. Repeat the circular massage along the abdomen and scar with medium pressure. This allows us to address the deeper muscular layer.

  3. Repeat the circular massage a third time along the abdomen and scar with firm pressure. Make sure to avoid any pain. This deeper pressure allows us to address the deep visceral layer.

  4. Finish up with “skin-tugging” and “skin pulling” along the scar. With firm pressure pull the skin, stretching it in all directions. Think of creating *asterisks* in 5 spots along the scar. You may feel like the skin is stretching, and stuck in some areas more than others. Give these areas extra attention.

  5. Perform this for 5 minutes, twice daily.

At 2 weeks, we recommend a postpartum evaluation with your chiropractor. At this point, we can evaluate the scar, assess the function of the core, pelvic floor and diaphragm!

A specific postpartum rehab and return to fitness plan will be made to advance you from the basic core and pelvic floor exercises and diaphragmatic breathing, to something more fun, dynamic and functional. 

Massage Therapy for Kids with Autism 

Data from the U S Centers for Disease Control show diagnosis for Autism:

1980 – 1 in 5000 

2021 – 1 in 44 

If this rate continued, it would mean by 2025 – 1 in 2! 

Boys are 4 times likely to be diagnosed with Autism than girls. 

Many being diagnosed at age 4. 

14 Signs and Symptoms:

1). Disconnection to Others 

2). Apparent Lack of Empathy 

3). Indifferent to Human Interaction 

4). Emotional Outbursts 

5). Delayed Language Development 

6). Prone to Non-Verbal Communication 

7). Difficulty Understanding Figurative Expressions 

8). Repetitive Behaviors 

9). PICA – Tendency to eat objects that are not food 

10). Sensitivity to External Stimuli 

11). Obsessive Behaviors 

12). Lack of Communication 

13). Seemingly Unresponsive 

14). Do Not Like Being Touched or Cuddled 

6 Medical Findings:

1). Present in Brain Scans

2). Genetic Links May Exist 

3). Higher Risk for Premature Babies 

4). The Gastrointestinal Link-Gut Bacteria 

5). The Immunity Dysfunction 

6). Autism Might Not be a DISorder at All-It’s just a different way for the brain to function say  some experts. 

Massage Benefits for the Autistic Child:

Decreases Muscle Tension and Pain – found to be prevalent in the legs and calves

Helps improve sleep

Improves Coordination and Movement 

Calms and Regulates the Nervous System 

Reduces Anxiety 

Improves Behavior  

Improves Speech and Language 

Improves Communication and Sensory Challenges 

Improves Social Interactions 

Improved focus in the classroom 

Stimulation of the Vagus Nerve, having positive effects on other areas of the body. 

Studies show, used as an effective early intervention, Massage can lessen the severity of characteristics by 1/3  in he first 5 months after diagnosis. Autistic children are known to have difficulty receiving and responding to information coming in through the senses. Massage provides proprioceptive input which  can regulate an autistic child’s sensory system. 

What to expect from a Massage Session? 

The Effects and Benefits are extremely individualized which makes each session custom to each  client. Be prepared to discuss as much information about the client as possible. The more informed, the  better the outcome will be. Sessions are lead by the client. Many of the clients live in a world of constant  discomfort, stress and alarm. Giving them control of their session helps them to feel safe and more  capable of building a rapport with the massage therapist. Touch therapy may not be performed on the  client first session but demonstrated on the parent or caregiver so they can observe someone receiving  touch therapy. The client may not always want to receive massage every session which gives us an  opportunity to experiment with sound therapy, art therapy, play therapy, breath therapy, music therapy or dance therapy, following the lead of the client. Sessions can last from 15 minutes to 1 hour,  determined by the client. When combined with traditional treatment, touch therapy has been found to  boost the effects of conventional therapies.  

My Journey

My personal journey into the world of Autism began in 2018 when I received a call from a young  mother of an Autistic daughter. Her daughter had been receiving weekly massage as part of her  treatment and quickly noticed the many benefits her daughter was receiving from this service.  She made it her life’s mission to share with others the benefits of massage for their autistic  loved one. She enrolled immediately in a massage program, licensed with the state and started  her own company in honor of her daughter Angel. She found herself getting very busy quickly  and could not keep up with the workload. She contacted my school for referrals and was given  my contact information as a possible candidate. I had very little experience in working with this  population but eagerly accepted the opportunity to learn from these individuals. It was so much  more than I expected in so many beautiful ways. To observe these clients that were non-verbal  begin trying to communicate during sessions. learning to trust and finding comfort from our  sessions, watching them move more fluidly without having such tight muscles that are common  for autistic individuals and so many, many more benefits. I stepped away but often find myself  thinking about this work.

Recently my 3-year-old grandson is showing signs of being on the  Spectrum. I began working with him on breathing exercises combined with Tai Chi and Qigong  techniques as well as energy techniques to help soothe him when he begins getting frustrated.  He began doing these on his own, tools to self soothe. His daycare recently contacted my  daughter-in-law and informed her that they would not be renewing his contract, finding him too  difficult for them to handle. As I observe my son and daughter-in-law begin their journey down  this difficult maze of testing and services, Ive found myself doing more research and what I am  discovering is astonishing. Like the mother who contacted me in 2018 I am finding the need to honor my grandson and share my experience and services supporting others effected by Autism.

Sue Walker, LMT

What is Lymphatic massage and how can it help?

To kick off 2022, the year of recovery and to just generally feel better emotionally, physically, and spiritually, I would like to introduce to you a new wellness trend….

MANUAL LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE MASSAGE (AKA LDM)                                                      

So, what exactly IS Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage and how can this benefit me? - you ask. Well if you are interested in Boosting your immunity, Detoxifying your body, Toning muscles, Enhancing your weight loss or just simply relieving fatigue, then continue reading as I navigate you thru the Lymphatic system. What it is, what it does and the benefits.


Curious? Lets get started:


What IS the Lymphatic System?

Now you and I may not like cleaning but it just so happens that our Lymphatic System does! Described as the “subsystem” of the Circulatory System and it is very similar in its structure. Made up of tiny vessels and nodes, the Lymphatic system parallels the blood vessels to support our immunity. These vessels are connected to Lymph Nodes where the Lymph fluid is filtered. Our body is largely made up of water and other fluids which can be mostly found in our blood and cells. Some of these fluids leak out. That is where the Lymphatic System comes in, sweeping up this leaked fluid and returning it to the bloodstream. The fluid that runs through the Lymphatic vessels are known as Lymph.

I like to picture it as a plate of noodles in spaghetti sauce soaking up the fluid and excess seasonings! 😊

 What exactly IS IN this fluid known as Lymph?

Lymph is a colorless fluid that contains a mix of water, fats salts, glucose, proteins and white blood cells. The main function is to fight off and eliminate toxins, pathogens and waste from the body. The Lymph travels through the Lymph vessels in the body in only on direction, unlike blood, towards the neck. Lymph is filtered thru Lymph Nodes that are found at various points throughout the body.

Fun fact! The fluid in a blister is Lymph fluid…


What are Lymph Nodes?

The Lymph vessels that the Lymph flow through are connected to Lymph Nodes. The Lymph Nodes are where all the action happens. Located at various points throughout the body, Lymph Nodes filter the Lymph fluid, riding the body of germs and waste. During this entire process White Blood Cells known as Lymphocytes attack and kill bacteria as well as viruses and cancer cells.

Now that you know a little about our Lymphatic System why would you want to receive a Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage?                          

Similar to our freeway system at rush hour experiencing a collision, the lymphatic system can get overloaded with too many vehicles and become congested. When left without assistance you may experience the following:

. Tiredness and fatigue

. Dry, itchy skin

. Mental fog

. Cold extremities (hands & feet)

. Weakened Immunity making it harder to fight illness

. Frequent illness

. Swelling/fluid retention

. Unexplained weight gain

. Cellulite and stretch marks

. Reduced Range of motion

. Poor Circulation

. Pain

. Bloating

Is there anything you can do to help drain the Lymphatic System on your own?

ABSOLUTELY! Try these DYI techniques at home.

1). DRY BRUSHING                                                                                                                                                         

Long before Social Media had anything to say about it, dry brushing was used by our ancestors. This technique is especially useful for skin related to lymphatic issues.  When applying a dry body brush to your body, always brush towards the heart 5-10 minutes a day. Don’t have a Dry Body Brush? These can be purchased on line, the health and beauty section of local stores or here at Eastridge Chiropractic at your next appointment or just stop in during business hours.


Gua Sha is an alternative therapy developed by the Chinese which involves using a smooth edged tool applied to the skin. This tool is traditionally made of stone. With the proper technique, this amazing little tool helps eliminate congested lymph, reducing inflammation and improving blood circulation. When applying the Gua Sha, always stroke towards the heart. The Gua Sha tool can also be purchased online or here at Eastridge Chiropractic at your next appointment or just stop in during business hours.


Simply exercising is known to move lymph, however jumping on a trampoline is the best way and much more fun! Experts have found that the rapid up and down movement will get even the most sluggish lymph moving. So grab your kids or borrower your neighbors kids and get that lymph moving!

 4). AND BREATHE….IN 1…2…3…OUT 1…2…3….

Breath experts claim that when we do not breathe properly, the body does not work properly. This goes for the Lymphatic System as well. Slow, deep inhalations and exhalations into the abdomen may actually help stimulate and pump the lymph around the body. So just take a moment and breathe, and allow your body to relax and detox.



 Do not expect Deep Tissue Massage with this technique! LDM (lymphatic drainage massage) is preformed with very light, rhythmic pumping motion focused primarily on moving the skin only. LDM can be done as a Full Body Massage or focused, targeted areas to treat specific conditions.

-Sue Walker, LMT

How Chiropractic Helps Babies with Reflux

It is normal for babies to spit up after eating a little too much or changing positions quickly. We expect this and that’s why we burp babies and have spit up blankies! However, where do we draw the line between normal spitting up and excessive reflux?

A diagnosis of GERD (GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease) can be made based on symptoms including: if an infant has more than 5 episodes of reflux per day, regurgitates approximately 28 g (= 2 Tbsp) per episode, refuses or has problems with feeding, problems gaining weight and demonstrates increasing irritability. Other ways to diagnose GERD is with intra-esophageal pH monitoring, scintography, intraluminal esophageal impedance and inflammation testing, although these methods of diagnosis are more invasive and unnecessary.

Complications of GERD include chronic or recurring sinus or ear infections. If GERD is unresolved, it can lead to esophageal ulcerations or eventually Barrett’s esophagus - a condition where the chronic irritation of esophageal cells leads to cancerous proliferation.

When evaluated by a medical doctor, a prescription for a Proton Pump Inhibitor such as Omeprazole or Prilosec is often made. This can be effective, however, like many medications, there are consequences from long term use including increased risk of infections and decreased magnesium and calcium absorption, leading to a loss of bone density (1).

If your baby does not meet the diagnostic criteria for GERD, it may be wise to still get them checked out. Other signs to address baby’s reflux include:

  • Spitting up between feeds

  • Large amounts of spit up or multiple productive spit ups after feeding

  • Distended belly

  • Crying or distress after feeding

  • Baby does not want to feed

  • Crying or arching their back when feeding

  • Frequent waking at night

  • Excessive intestinal gas

So, what do we do?


We always start by taking a history, including asking questions about diet. Is there a family history of allergies or food sensitivities? If baby is formula fed - what are the ingredients? We recommend a hydrolyzed, low allergen formula, free or minimal in gluten, soy and dairy.

If baby is breastfed, how is mom’s diet? If there is a family history of food sensitivities or allergies, removing that item is a good start (2). Otherwise, in our experience, dairy is a common perpetrator.


We perform a complete exam: This means we check the head and skull for asymmetries or flat spots, check the mouth, lips and tongue for ties, check the jaw for joint restrictions, check the spine from the neck to the pelvis, and look for abdominal tension.

A few things we often find in babies with reflux include:

  • Upper cervical restrictions which may affect the nervous system’s communication with the digestive system

  • Jaw restrictions which make feeding more difficult and causes baby to suck in more air while feeding

  • Thoracic restrictions which may restrict the diaphragm from contracting and relaxing, which may affect the stomach and esophagus

  • Tension in the abdomen and diaphragm which may be aggravated from distressed crying

The esophagus passes through a hole in the diaphragm to the stomach. When infants are in pain and uncomfortable, they cry more, exercising their diaphragm more and causing diaphragmatic tension. This in turn can affect the stomach and esophagus as they pass through the diaphragm, and may contribute to reflux symptoms.

By correcting our findings, we allow more musculoskeletal ease and improved nervous system function. This leads to an improvement in reflux symptoms and in baby’s overall comfort.


Chiropractic treatment for a baby looks MUCH different than treatment for an adult. We use as much pressure as you’d use to squeeze a tomato to check its’ ripeness. There is no popping or twisting. Every time Baby comes in, we may adjust them in a different position based on what is comfortable for them - sometimes it’s while holding them, while laying on mom or dad or while laying on their back in a pillow. 

We will often see baby 2-3 times a week for a couple weeks to make our adjustments and to make sure they “stick” and are integrated. Then, we re-evaluate. We want to resolve the issue as quickly as possible to make sure your infant is out of pain, able to thrive, and the rest of the family can enjoy a better sleep.

  1. O’Neill, LeAnne et al. “Long-Term Consequences of Chronic Proton Pump Inhibitor Use”, US Pharmacist, March 2013

  2. Gordon, Morris et al. “Dietary modifications for infantile colic.” The Cochrane database of systematic reviews vol. 10,10 CD011029. 10 Oct. 2018, doi:10.1002/14651858.CD011029.pub2

  3. 3. Alcantara, Joel, and Renata Anderson. “Chiropractic care of a pediatric patient with symptoms associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease, fuss-cry-irritability with sleep disorder syndrome and irritable infant syndrome of musculoskeletal origin.” The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association vol. 52,4 (2008): 248-55.

Shantai Watson, DC

Imaging 101

What is imaging?

When ”imaging” is ordered, it is in order to accurately picture structures within the body that you cannot otherwise see or feel.  Depending on what signs/symptoms are present, different types of imaging is ordered.  In the Chiropractic setting, most often, we will either want an x-ray or an MRI.

When would an x-ray or MRI be needed? Is one better than the other?

X-rays (radiographs) are only useful at determining bone structure. If we are suspicious of a fracture or break in a bone, then an x-ray will see it.  If we are concerned about arthritic/degenerative changes in a joint, an x-ray will give us an indication of the extent that the bone is involved.  X-rays are also useful in determining the degree to which a scoliosis is present. (By definition, a scoliosis is diagnosed by a curvature to the left or right exceeding 10 degrees)

An MRI on the other hand, clearly shows all structures within the body very well.  This includes bones, joint capsules, fluid, ligaments, tendons, muscles etc. An MRI in the Chiropractic setting is often used to determine the cause of nerve related pain (numbness, tingling, shooting pain) or if torn muscles or ligaments are suspected.

There are pros and cons to both: An MRI is the “gold standard” for imaging as it will show just about anything the provider could want to see.  This, however, comes at an increased financial cost.  X-rays are very quick and cheap however they do not show as much information.

Take for example, a degenerative or arthritic knee.  An x-ray could show that there are changes within the joint based on how the surface of the bone looks and confirm that there is indeed arthritis present.  It however will not show the meniscus, or cartilage within joint which typically is what’s causing the dysfunction or discomfort within the knee – an MRI would show all of that.

Should I expect to get an x-ray when going to the Chiropractor? Isn’t that how they know where to adjust?

Not necessarily.  At Eastridge, we will order x-rays if we are concerned about a bone problem i.e, fracture, dislocation, scoliosis, or moderate arthritis. Some Chiropractic offices will indeed take x-rays on virtually all patients and base their adjustments and treatment plans on those images.  This is an “old school” method of determining treatment.  The benefits of an x-ray have certain limitations and costs.  A major cost is unnecessary exposure to radiation (which is what an x-ray is) and is why the American Chiropractic Association has stopped recommending routine x-rays for patients.  A major limitation is how accurately an x-ray image will show “misalignments”.  If a patient is not in a 100% neutral position, then they could look as though they have hips that are uneven, a slight curve in their spine etc.  A patient could even have a very tight muscle on one side versus the other, which could show up as a misalignment but is in fact uneven muscle tension. Certain “misalignments” found on x-rays have been shown repeatedly to be un-reproducible on follow up imaging studies: which is a major issue when relied upon for Chiropractic treatment.

At Eastridge, we focus on function to determine an appropriate treatment plan and base our adjustments on what we feel and how the patient is moving in front of us.  We will push on joints to see which ones aren’t moving as well or perform orthopedic tests to reproduce a patient’s complaint.  This exposes the patient to no unnecessary radiation and allows us to find regions that are functionally problematic on any given day.

Jenkins HJ, Downie AS, Moore CS, French SD. Current evidence for spinal X-ray use in the chiropractic profession: a narrative review. Chiropr Man Therap. 2018 Nov 21;26:48. doi: 10.1186/s12998-018-0217-8. PMID: 30479744; PMCID: PMC6247638.

5 Indications To See A Chiropractor While Pregnant!

Congratulations, mama!

Pregnancy can be a wild ride. It involves a lot of preparation. One of the things you may have started to prepare is your pregnancy and birth team. Often, I get the question: “How do I know that a Chiropractor should be a part of my birth team?”. Full disclosure - my honest answer is always EVERYONE needs a chiropractor. The benefits are undeniable. And why would a pregnant woman be an exception to that rule?

However, if you are new to chiropractic, here are 5 indications that you should definitely consider seeing a chiropractor during your pregnancy.

1. You have concerns about your baby’s positioning.

Often, women will present to a chiropractor after learning during an ultrasound that their baby is in a breech position. Between weeks 28 and 32, babies will start to turn head first into the pelvic cavity. If after 36 weeks, the baby is still bottom first, then the baby will be termed “breech”, and mother will be told to prepare for a Cesarean.

The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics reported in the July/August 2002 issue an 82% success rate of babies turning vertex when Doctors of Chiropractic performed the Webster Technique. This technique allows to relieve intrauterine constraint and may also be effective in resolving babies who present as posterior or transverse. This may mean preventing a traumatic C-section.

The Webster Technique is a very gentle technique that addresses the low back and pelvis, associated muscles, and specific ligaments such as the Round Ligament and Sacrotuberous Ligament which are almost exclusively affected during pregnancy. It helps the brain to better communicate with the muscles of the pelvic floor, and relax and align the pelvis. This in turn may allow for a less restricted space for the baby within the pelvis, allowing them to go into optimal positioning, and for a smoother delivery.

2. ANY PAIN: Rib pain, low back pain, hip pain, numbness or tingling into glutes and down legs, ankle swelling, etc!

You may have heard of friends or characters on TV complaining about these aches and pains during pregnancy. Just because they may be common does not mean they are NORMAL! After receiving regular chiropractic care, it has been found that 75% of pregnant women experience pain relief.

For example, rib pain may be associated with thoracic spine restrictions or diaphragm trigger points, and pain in the thighs may be related to dysfunction of the pubic symphysis. Chiropractors with special training in prenatal chiropractic have modified, safe techniques and methods to diagnose and treat these problem areas. Often, they will use a pregnancy pillow to accommodate a blossoming belly and to allow mom to lay comfortably face down while being treated.

Know that you do not need to suffer through discomfort during pregnancy and there is a lot that can be done to determine the cause of the pain and to treat it before it becomes a chronic issue, even after giving birth.

3. You wish to stay active during your pregnancy

Exercise during pregnancy has ALL the regular effects of exercise, such as increased cardiovascular input, improved mood, increased muscle mass and ability to use fat stores for energy requirements.

When pregnant, however, exercise also has ADDED benefits for mom, including:

  • a decreased chance of a premature labor

  • decreased weight gain and fat deposition

  • better circulation to muscles of pelvic floor promotes better healing after labor

  • decreased physical discomforts Higher energy levels

AND for baby:

  • increased fetal heart rate

  • decreased fetal fat without decreasing overall growth

  • stimulation of sound and vibration through exercise may accelerate the development of the baby’s brain

Chiropractors with special training in pregnancy and postpartum are able to prescribe specific exercises to prepare your body for birth. This may include modifications for your favorite exercises and activities, along with specific exercises to strengthen the core, encourage proper breathing and functioning of the diaphragm, and appropriate mobility and stability throughout the chain.

Through consistent and strategic training, you will be able to empower your body and mind for a healthy pregnancy and delivery, and a smooth postpartum recovery period.

4. You are experiencing stress and anxiety.

You have a lot of big changes coming up, and a lot to prepare. We understand! It’s totally normal to feel overwhelmed. However, it is important to know that stress is related to 90% of conditions that people present to their healthcare provider for. And now, the stress you are experiencing is affecting 2 of you. Fear, stress and anxiety produce neurochemicals in your brain and body which are detrimental to your health when sustained for a long period of time. These chemicals may cross the placental barrier and have a direct effect on the fetus.

A “wellness and quality of life” study was conducted by Dr. Robert H.L. Banks, PhD, University of California College of Medicine Professor, on 2818 chiropractic patients. In this study, it was shown that chiropractic patients experienced significant “retrospectively recalled” improvements in ability to deal with mental and emotional stress, perception of health and wellness, and overall quality of life. In this study, extremely gentle chiropractic adjustments were used.

Getting adjusted can help your body better adapt to stress. Less stress means a more pleasant pregnancy and a healthier baby. Your chiropractor will also be able to provide further techniques and suggestions for lowering your stress levels, along with acting as a great resource for any pregnancy-related questions to help bring you to ease.

5. You are having troubles sleeping or need help controlling your nausea symptoms.

We have 2 types of Nervous systems that affect the functioning of our organs: the Sympathetic and the Parasympathetic Nervous System. The Sympathetic Nervous system is also nicknamed the “Fight or Flight” nervous system, while the Parasympathetic Nervous System is also nicknamed the “Rest and Digest” nervous system.

If you are having troubles with resting/sleeping, or having troubles with digesting (or feeling nauseous and vomiting), it’s probably safe to say that the “Rest and Digest” nervous system may be a piece of the puzzle, right?

Many studies have shown that chiropractic adjustments (especially of the cervical and lumbar spine) have the ability to increase the Parasympathetic response. This may explain why our adult patients often leave the office ready for a nap, or why our baby patients often leave the office with a full diaper.

Naturally, every mother wants to do everything in her capacity to bring a healthy baby into this world. It is important to remember that even if you are experiencing any of these problems, you are not failing. I mean look at you, you are a smart, prepared, problem solver who just read a whole blog post on solutions.

If you have any questions about whether you or a loved one may benefit from chiropractic before, during or after a pregnancy, please call (303) 683-9494 or email to schedule your complimentary consultation.

Staying Active with Chiropractic

If you say the way you exercise has NOT changed throughout 2020 and 2021, I’m calling BS! Whether it’s the frequency of your workouts, the amount of weight you’re lifting (you can only fill up a milk jug so heavy), intensity (are you a class person?), duration, or type of workout, it’s guaranteed that something has changed.

Although you might miss your old workouts, changing your workout routine can be awesome for your body. It challenges your body in new ways. It makes us stronger by strengthening different muscle groups, switching between anaerobic and aerobic exercise and challenging our brains. It also helps to prevent overuse injuries!

New exercise routines and challenging our bodies in new ways may also mean new tight and sore spots, new injuries as we learn a new skill, or flare-ups of an old injury. Changing the way you work out might mean you need to change the way you recover.

So what’s a weekend warrior to do?! Take a tip from the professional athletes - experts estimate that 90% of world-class athletes use chiropractic care to prevent injuries and to increase their performance potential.

According to Tom Brady:

“Chiropractic just makes you feel so much better. When I walk out of the clinic, I feel like I’m about three inches taller and everything’s in place. As long as I see the chiropractor, I feel like I’m one step ahead of the game.”

So how does chiropractic help?

Recover better!

Through our many modalities, including adjustments, soft tissue therapy and rehabilitative exercise, chiropractors can help you recover from your workouts faster.

Chiropractic can also help regulate sleep cycles, which is an essential component in recovery. It helps to relieve pain, allowing your body to relax and enter the rest & digestion state.

Perform better!

Improved ROM

In a study by Wayne Whittingham, DC, PhD, and Niels Nilsson, DC, MD, PhD, neck adjustments were shown to increase active range of motion on average by 8° to 12° in each of the 4 directions of movements.

Having a good range of motion is essential to reducing injuries, improving your strength and performing at your best. For example: are you one of those people who can’t possibly touch their toes? Often times, by adjusting, working on soft tissues and incorporating some rehabilitative exercises we can bring your pelvis to a more balanced position, improving your range of motion and helping you to touch your toes!

Improved proprioception

Are you a "klutz"? Proprioception is what allows our bodies to understand where they are in space. When your neck is not moving properly, it can impair the way proprioceptive input from the upper body is processed. By adjusting the neck and allowing it to move properly, your body has a better idea of where it is in space and how to interact with its environment. This could mean less tripping and better balance. Check out this study to learn more about how this works!

Chiropractic has also been shown (in this study) to reduce the size of your blind spot, indicating improved cerebral function.

Improved strength and reduced muscle inhibition

A study compared the quadriceps strength of a group of 10 people before and after an adjustment, and found a significant improvement in quadriceps strength after the adjustment.

Improved reaction times

Evidence suggests that adjusting the upper neck leads to improvement in reaction-time, suggesting improved cognitive function and skill acquisition after getting adjusted.

Want to be better, faster, stronger? Get adjusted!

Prevent future injuries.

When you are lacking the needed range of motion to do a certain movement (for example: squatting, but no hip mobility), or weak in certain movements, compensation mechanisms develop.

Compensation patterns put excessive stress on vulnerable joints and tissues. Eventually, these tissues become overloaded.. That's because our body is most prepared and optimally functioning when things go according to Plan A! Our body is smart enough to come up with a Plan B, C, D, etc. to keep you moving when we lack the strength, mobility, or are injured. However we are not as well equipped for these plans, and if we rely on them for too long, something's got to give!

By taking care of your injuries and pains as they come, you prevent chronic problems and other injuries from developing.

What's it like to see a sports chiropractor?

First we take an extensive history of your current injury, along with past injuries to determine whether compensation patterns have developed.

Then, we do our exam. We first look at your injury and do tests to figure out which structures are involved. Then we look at your whole body to assess your posture and what may the root cause to this injury. We check if your feet are overly pronated or supinated, knees cave in or out, hips swing forward or backward, shoulders go forward or backward, if there are curves in your back, if your ears are level, whether your head goes forward. Then we get you to walk, and look at your gait pattern. Lastly we do functional movement screens such as an overhead squat.

Based on our assessment we will be able to tell you what is going on. If needed, we will send you for some more imaging which may include an MRI, ultrasound or XRay.

Then, we get to work! Treatment includes adjustments and other modalities: taping, compression flossing, muscle release therapy, cupping, dry needling, etc. We incorporate our nutritional expertise as needed. We also incorporate rehabilitative exercises and help with modifications to your current workouts.

Don't let nagging pain develop to a chronic injury! Call or text 303-683-9494 for a complimentary consult. Let's get you back out there doing what you love!

5 Reasons Your Child Needs a Chiropractor Too

Kids love chiropractic, and having your child checked by a chiropractor is important. Just like your dentist and pediatrician performs wellness exams to make sure your child is growing, developing properly and thriving, so do chiropractors!


Chiropractors examine your child’s musculoskeletal and nervous system. So, why is this important? In addition to the physical stress of the birth process, your child endures many falls and knocks as they grow and develop, which usually result in spinal misalignments. The spine houses the spinal cord, which can be thought of as an “information highway” that relays all information between the brain and the body. This communication is key for balance and coordination, along with the self-regulating and healing mechanisms. When there are misalignments in the spine, the brain cannot communicate as clearly with the rest of the body. Chiropractors identify and correct these spinal misalignments. This in turn may help to prevent or resolve problems like nursing difficulties, irritability and poor balance.

An adjustment doesn’t look the same with a child as it does an adult. With babies, there is no sound, and we use the same pressure as squeezing a ripe tomato. Children respond very quickly to chiropractic care, and once they warm up to the office, they love coming in for their adjustment. We recommend bringing your child in for an assessment and adjustment within the first 1-2 weeks after they are born, and then once every 1-3 months. Bring them in sooner, however, if they are experiencing any of the following:

1. Infants with reflux, troubles sleeping, torticollis, irritability, constipation or suspicion of colic.

So often, we have exhausted families walk into the office, at their wit’s end trying to figure out why their baby has been so irritable. It’s so tough when baby can't tell you what’s up! So what could it be?

Osteopathic studies have shown that the majority of newborn babies have strain patterns in the cranial mechanism following birth. This means that the babies showed misalignment in their neck and skull, or had abnormal movement patterns when turning their head.

What causes this “birth trauma”??

  • A very short labor

  • A very long labor

  • The use of Pitocin to strengthen / induce uterine contractions

  • Pain medications

  • Restricted maternal birthing positions

  • Pulling or twisting the baby’s head to deliver the infant’s body

  • The use of forceps or vacuum extraction

  • Cesarean delivery

Left unresolved after birth, the strain patterns that develop after birth may develop to musculoskeletal pain, and may impact a baby’s growth and development. Ultimately, it may result in issues such as reflux, troubles sleeping, nursing difficulties, torticollis, irritability, constipation etc. Chiropractors have many gentle, safe and effective techniques for helping to resolve these issues, along with a host of other pediatric specialists to refer you to, if needed.

2. Milestones

Whether your child is considered ahead, behind or right on time with their milestones, these represent the perfect time to have them checked by a chiropractor.

There are 4 kinds of milestones that children achieve throughout their development. These include cognitive milestones such as a preschooler learning the alphabet; social and emotional milestones such as learning how to interact or share with other people; communication milestones such as learning words, or pointing at objects; and finally physical milestones such as tummy time, rolling over, sitting up, pulling up, crawling, walking, etc. As chiropractors, we love to see our little patients when they hit their physical milestones.

Milestones are important because they represent new connections being paved in the brain. Milestones tend to build on each other. If one milestone isn’t being achieved, it may slow down the timing for when they will achieve their next milestone.

Why isn’t my child hitting their milestones at the recommended time?

Kids develop at different rates, and that’s okay. You may find that your child is ahead of the curve when one milestone is concerned, but behind the curve for another. We can’t expect our children to develop according to a textbook.

When a baby is born, they are prepared with a set of “primitive reflexes” that help to protect them from basic things like falling and to help them orient towards their mother's nipple to eat. These reflexes include the Moro reflex, Rooting reflex and Landau’s reflex, to name a few. While these reflexes are important as a newborn, they become unnecessary as the baby grows and is better able to interact with their environment. If these reflexes are retained for too long, you can think of them as taking up precious space and real estate in your baby’s brain. That means they may have less capacity to move on to their next milestone.

During your child’s exam with a trained pediatric chiropractor, they will check your child’s primitive reflexes to ensure they are demonstrating the reflexes that are appropriate for their age. If they have retained primitive reflexes, we will work on extinguishing them to free up that precious real estate in your baby’s brain, in order to move on to their next milestone. With gentle adjustments, we also ensure they have the proper biomechanics, and the most optimal brain-body communication to set them up for success for working on their next milestone.

3. You notice your child is crawling, walking or running unconventionally

Proprioception is often considered “the sixth sense” - the sense of “where we are in space”. It is essential to balance and movement. Studies such as this one demonstrate how adjusting the spine improves proprioception.

Proprioception is imperative for movement. If the brain does not have an accurate idea of where it is in space, it may compensate by developing abnormal movement patterns. In the first year of life, this may include bum scooting, looking down when crawling, or skipping crawling and moving to bear-walking to name a few. As stated in this scholarly article by Heiner Biedermann, MD “The importance of this transition from the 2- dimensional way of life into the third dimension is still widely underestimated”. Verticalization (learning to stand on 2 feet) is one of the most important things that happens in the first year of your baby’s life. During this time, the curve in the lower spine develops. If poor movement patterns develop in this key time, the child may be more prone to developing scoliosis or other abnormal patterns such as toe-walking or running asymmetrically.

A chiropractor will work on rehabilitating the abnormal movement pattern (for example: helping a child who toe walks to learn to heel strike), will look up and down the chain to determine if there is a structural cause for the abnormal pattern, and will adjust the spine to make sure the body has a better understanding where it is in space, so it may interact with its environment better.

4. Sports, Trampolines, Falls, Injuries

Just like a dental cavity might not hurt immediately, falling off a bike or trampoline may not hurt immediately. Kids are resilient! Left untreated however, may lead to more detrimental effects. When your child experiences any kind of physical trauma, it is important to have them checked by a musculoskeletal professional.

Sports performance: One of my favorite parts of chiropractic has to be its ability to enhance sports performance. Chiropractic has been shown to improve an athlete's balance, hand-eye coordination, reaction time and ability to recover after workouts. If your child is playing sports, getting them checked by a chiropractor can help them recover, prevent injuries, and enhance their performance

5. Any pain! Growing pains, headaches etc - children should NEVER be in pain!

Kids should not be in pain! Asides from teething and losing teeth, there is no reason that a child must experience pain as a consequence of growing.

Pain with an unknown cause can be a cause of worry. It is very important to have your child evaluated by a healthcare professional if they complain of pains such as unpredictable headaches, back pain or even growing pains.

Growing pains: There are a handful of theories why children experience “growing pains”. No singular cause has ever been determined! This is both good and bad news. The bad news: we do not have a single “growing pains cure” that will work for every kid. The good news: we have a multitude of treatments we can provide to reduce these pains. These include: adjustments to correct improper biomechanics which may be contributing to their pain, a home exercise program to improve their bone density, and nutritional interventions which often include calcium, magnesium and vitamin D.

Back pain and headaches: When a child experiences back pain or headaches, a chiropractor will evaluate their spine to look for any misalignment. We look from the top down and bottom up: assessing their neck, shoulders, mid back, low back, pelvis, hips and feet. Often if there are faulty biomechanics in one area lower or higher in the chain, we will see back pain as a symptom. Headaches may be caused by restrictions in the neck and upper spine or from muscles referring pain to the head.

The most common cause of back pain in children, however, is scoliosis. Early detection of scoliosis is imperative to preventing the curve from progressing. Often, with a suspicion of scoliosis, your chiropractor will refer you for X-Rays to determine the measurement of the curve and to see how close your child’s spine is to maturity. The more time we have until spinal maturity, the better the prognosis for minimizing the scoliosis. A chiropractor may treat scoliosis with adjustments, muscle release therapy, traction, among other tools, or refer to an orthopedist for a brace to be fitted.

pediatric side posture

Have any other questions about chiropractic works for kids, or whether it can benefit your child? Call, text or email and we will schedule your complimentary consultation.

In health,

Dr. Shantai Watson DC

So... What exactly is the "pop"?

First, not all pops are created equal!  Sometimes we’ll crack our knuckles, or if we squat down our hips or knees will crack.  These types of “pops” are typically tendons snapping over a bony structure which causes a noise.  If this is happening, it is usually painless and able to recur on demand.  Ask your doctor how to reduce the frequency of this occurrence!

When someone receives an adjustment from a Chiropractor, they will also typically hear a “pop”. This noise comes from what’s called a cavitation which is rapid gas release and exchange within a joint. These “pops” will only happen once in about every 20 minutes or so when the gas perfuses back into the joint space. When you are receiving an adjustment, the Chiropractor is freeing up movement that is restricted within a joint or series of joints. The adjustment happens within what is called the paraphysiological space.

—Active range of motion: How far you can move your joints on your own (looking over your shoulder).—Passive range of motion: How far your joints can move with assistance. (You’re relaxed, someone turns your head for you).

—Active range of motion: How far you can move your joints on your own (looking over your shoulder).

—Passive range of motion: How far your joints can move with assistance. (You’re relaxed, someone turns your head for you).

Let’s say you woke up on your stomach after a long night of sleep.  You obviously cannot breathe with your face square in the middle of the pillow, so you have to turn your head to the side.  Well, your neck has now been fully rotated to the right or left for 6-8 hours.  Since they have been in that position for so long, the joint capsule and tissues surrounding it restrict that joint from moving as much as it should.  This is where a Chiropractor comes in.  They will identify the restricted segment, and adjust it which takes the joint into the paraphysiological space, cavitates, resets the mechanoreceptors (which tell the joint where it is in space) and now you can move your neck easier and without as much pain! 

“I have my dog walk on my back and cause it to pop, is that doing the same thing?”  

-Nope! When you willy nilly “pop” regions of your spine, it most likely is relieving for a certain period of time. It just simply isn’t doing what you want it to do. When you feel as though you need to “pop” something, it’s because there is a joint restriction within that area. When you bend over backward over a chair, or have someone walk on your back they are “popping” areas that may not be the spot that need to be released and that “stuck” or painful feeling will come back rather quickly.


Imagine these two circled areas are where you feel like you want to “pop”.  You twist to the side and feel some cracks.  Those cracks you felt were not the joints that needed to be released because – you guessed it – they’re restricted!  The “pops” most likely came from the joints above or below the “stuck” area.  In order for these restricted joints to move as they should, a trained professional (i.e. Chiropractor) will need to step in to specifically manipulate those spots.  

To sum up, when you receive a Chiropractic adjustment or manipulation, your bones are not being smashed together or ”cracked”. The joints within the area of adjustment are being moved and freed from restriction which leads to a cavitation – the “popping” sound!

-Dr. Mat Mancuso

Eastridge Chiropractic has really big news


Patients of Eastridge Chiropractic,

It is with mixed emotions that I am announcing my retirement from chiropractic practice.  It has been a great pleasure providing for your health care needs over the past 21 years, and I thank you for your friendship and loyalty.  As I looked ahead to this transition, I hoped to find a talented chiropractor who will give the quality of care I have strived to maintain.

I am happy and excited to introduce to you Dr. Shantai Watson and Dr. Mathew Mancuso. They come to us as highly qualified chiropractors with very similar adjusting techniques and philosophy. They graduated together from Palmer College of Chiropractic West Campus in San Jose, CA in 2019. They have since been practicing in the South Denver area. Dr. Shantai has special training in prenatal, postpartum, pediatric and sports chiropractic. Dr. Mat’s expertise includes the care of auto, spinal and sports injuries, and he is skilled with rehab techniques and dry needling.

Dr. Shantai is originally from Edmonton, AB (another Canadian, like me) and is a second generation chiropractor. Dr. Mat has many stories from living all over North America, however he and his family have called Highlands Ranch home for the past 14 years. They love skiing, hiking, working out at the local CrossFit gym, and evenings spent snuggling their 1 year old Bernedoodle, Mabel, who you just might meet at the office.

I am very confident in their abilities and about placing your care in their hands. Dr. Shantai, Dr. Mat and I will be working together over the next month to make sure the transition is as smooth as possible and that your specific needs are met. Their techniques and general approach are similar to mine.

Please make it a point over the next month to come into the office and allow me the opportunity to introduce you to Dr. Shantai and Dr. Mat.

I sincerely appreciate the trust and confidence you have placed in me through the years. I wish you continued good health and all the best in the coming years.

- Dr. Jason McTavish , Dr. Shantai Watson & Dr. Mathew Mancuso