We are huge advocates for chiropractic care during pre-conception and pregnancy. But care doesn’t need to (and shouldn’t!) stop once the baby comes! Long labor, compound hands, breech babies, vacuum delivery, Cesarean section, and a variety of other birth scenarios – even a natural birth – can cause postpartum musculoskeletal pain or dysfunction. Then on top of that, we add in limited sleep, long periods of time feeding in often unusual positions and carrying heavy car seats!

The postpartum recovery timeline is different for everyone depending on a variety of factors. We recommend booking your first appointment postpartum within a couple weeks after a vaginal labor and delivery, and 2-4 weeks after a belly birth. Throughout care, you can expect modified adjustments, movement screenings and rehab exercises, soft tissue work such as cupping and dry needling, and nutrition counselling. We also offer hormone testing which can provide invaluable information and help on your journey back to feeling like yourself again!

Common postpartum conditions frequently treated:

- Neck / Back pain

- Breastfeeding and latching difficulties

- Cesarean Scar Rehab

- Pelvic Floor Dysfunction/ Instability

- Diastasis Recti

- Sciatica

- Carpal Tunnel / "Mommy Wrist"

- DeQuervain's / "Mommy Thumb”

- Numbness / Tingling

- Constipation / Digestions Issues

- Return to Fitness Clearance & Plan