Spinal decompression therapy is a top non-surgical treatment for conditions such as herniated discs in the neck or low back, numbness and tingling to the arms, hands, legs or feet, sciatica or spinal stenosis. An FDA-approved computerized traction table is used to relieve pressure in the spine and discs.

During treatment, the patient lays on a comfortable padded table, and is attached with straps to a cable that gently and slowly pulls the patient’s spine. This stretch can help by creating more space for the nerve roots and decreasing the pressure inside a herniated or bulging disc. This allows the disc to rehydrate and the injury to minimize.

A session on the decompression table takes around 20 minutes. A treatment plan typically consists of 9-18 sessions, depending on the complaint. We recommend 1-3 sessions per week during this treatment plan.

 If you are curious if this treatment could benefit you, book an evaluation by calling or booking online. A thorough spinal exam and series of orthopedic test can determine if this treatment is appropriate for your condition.